
Business Computer
Information Systems

Business Information Worker

About the Program

Butte College's BIW structured career pathway is aligned with a California statewide program that collaborated with businesses and advisory committees across the state to identify the most in-demand and desirable knowledge and skills required of today's business information workers. Additionally, this structured career pathway clearly communicates to students what skills they need to be successful in today's businesses, as well as provides a branded BIW pathway for businesses to quickly recognize on resumes.

  • Manage office information and records.

  • Communicate professionally and work effectively in a team.

  • Produce business documents with appropriate formatting using word processing software.

  • Create spreadsheets with financial functions and charting.

  • Plan and deliver individual or team oral presentations for business meetings.

  • Use email and calendaring software to communicate and manage time.

  • Apply the features and functions of web-based tools efficiently and effectively in order to meet the desired goals and outcomes of business.